A Constant State

Thoughts to Think

Some thoughts take up a line, and some take up a paragraph.

Sails by the sea


If you think about it, time itself is a contradiction. Time heals, yet time destroys. Time heals wounds, and tears them wide open. If you think about it, time is all in our head, but it passes every moment and touches everything. So really, what is time? And is it really real, or is it just in our heads? Yes, it passes every second of every day, but those are just names we have created to measure something that isn't something. That isn't tangible. And if it isn't tangible, is even truly 'there'? But remember.....time will change, what man cannot.

'The Meaning of Life'


In Our Heads

There are a lot of things that happen in your head like pain, and happiness, and sorrow. But does that mean that they are not real? If you really think about it, much of what we have created only means something because of the emotions and knowledge that are inside our heads. If aliens all of sudden appeared, they wouldn't understand much. Because language is something that only makes sense inside our heads, we would possibly have no way of explaining anything. Very little of our work that we have done as human beings would be understandable if we were to perish, which means that what we have created is an entire 'world' which only has meaning to ourselves.

We Fight for Peace

You cannot just simply fight for peace. Two wrongs do not make a right.

Least we forget...
those who gave there lives for peace, yet we keep on fighting.

Least we forget...
they were 'fighting' for 'peace'.

Least we forget...
that was 'the war to end all wars' and yet we keep on fighting.